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League of Legends, the popular online multiplayer game, has gained worldwide attention for its challenging gameplay and diverse range of characters. Among these characters is Galio, the Colossus, or as he's sometimes called, the Stone Sentinel. This powerful champion has recently seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to his rework in the Cloud9 update, making him an unstoppable force on the Summoner's Rift.

As a guardian of the magical kingdom of Demacia, Galio was created by the mage Durand to be a protector of the innocent and the weak. Initially designed to be a statue towering over the city, he was brought to life when a group of Noxian assassins tried to kill the king. With his newfound sentience, Galio's hatred for those who threaten Demacia's people became even stronger.

Gone are the days of Galio being a sleepy support champion who only provided minor buffs to his allies. In his reworked form, Galio is now a powerful tank who can dish out damage and soak up blows with equal ease. He's also a great team fighter, with his ultimate ability allowing him to taunt and knock up enemy champions, making it easier for his allies to score kills.

One of the best things about the new Galio is his passive ability. Whenever he uses an ability, he gains a shield that scales with his maximum health. This makes him incredibly durable in fights, and can also allow him to dive into enemy teams without fear of being burst down too quickly. It's important to note that Galio's abilities also don't cost him any mana, but instead have long cooldowns, so players need to be strategic with when they use them.

If you want to be a successful Galio player, you need to make sure you're building him correctly. Some players will opt for more offensive items, like Trinity Force or Luden's Echo, but most will go for more defensive items, like Sunfire Cape or Spirit Visage. It's also a good idea to max out his Q ability first, as it can be used both for harassment and waveclearing.

When playing as Galio, it's important to remember that he's not the kind of champion who can carry a game on his own. Rather, he's a great team fighter who excels at protecting his allies and initiating fights. Make sure to communicate with your team and coordinate your abilities with theirs to maximize your potential.


All in all, the reworked Galio is a powerful and exciting champion that any tank player worth their salt should give a try. Whether you want to lock down enemy champions with your ultimate ability or soak up tons of damage without breaking a sweat, Galio has something to offer.